Online Enrollment

Cash Pricing Program to Maximize Revenues

This program is designed to help you retain customers and increase your revenue. This is accomplished by monitoring both local and regional pricing trends.

Cash Pricing Program Highlights

Competitive Pricing for Cash Prescriptions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Cash Pricing Program?

Our Cash Pricing program is established to keep your pharmacy competitive with local and regional competition, providing you with consistency in this key area of your business.

What is the cost of this program?

There is a transaction fee of $0.40 per paid transaction that is added into the prescription price that the patient pays. There is also a $0.15 reversal fee for each reversed transaction. Pharmacies will be invoiced for the transaction fee monthly, unless volume is minimal (program may elect to invoice quarterly for low volume pharmacies). Ongoing requests for enrollment forms are included in the transaction fee. Administrator reserves the right to limit the number of forms distributed per request.

What is the pharmacy reimbursement for this program?

Brand and generic medications will price at a competitive rate based on the surrounding marketing and competition.

We reserve the right to make appropriate adjustments (increase or decrease) to reimbursements in order to keep the program competitive. Pharmacy participants will receive notice of reimbursement changes and can receive detailed reimbursement rates upon request.

The $0.40 transaction fee per paid transaction has been incorporated into the dispensing fee and or ingredient cost markup. Transaction fees will be invoiced monthly.